Principles of growing potatoes
Potatoes are one of the most popular and popular vegetables grown in Poland.
They are not only low-calorie, but are a real treasure trove of vitamins (especially vitamin C) and minerals such as phosphorus and potassium, as well as a small amount of magnesium, calcium, iron and many others.
The best potato yields will be obtained on soils with a pH of 4.5-6.5, as they are highly adaptable to acidic soils. Too alkaline soil should be avoided as it contributes to the infection of the potato tuber with common scab.
Potatoes are recommended to be grown in crop rotation, optimally in four-year periods.
Novagra offers excellent quality organic-mineral fertilizers, which contain amino acids, plant hormones, vitamins and CARPRAMID colloidal protein with an innovative composition and action, which translates into optimal absorption of nutrients supplied to the plant through the leaves.
Knowing what fertilizer is optimal for potatoes and fertilizing potatoes is one of the key agrotechnical procedures that contributes most to the quantity and quality of tuber yields, improved potato resistance and the storage suitability of tubers.
Novagra is a leading producer of various types of modern, high-quality fertilizers and plant protection products.
Taking care of the quality and abundance of crops, we have prepared extensive crop fertilization programs for our clients.
One of them is the Potato Fertilization Program. The preparations proposed in the above program should be used at specific times of plant growth. They should be dosed in accordance with the recommendations in doses of l/ha.
The Potato Fertilization Program prepared by our specialists is based on two types of preparations:
All our crop fertilization programs are available on the website at:
We encourage you to download the appropriate programs and carefully read the recommended fertilizers and work stages.